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Facing redundancy? How to proactively control your own destiny

Being made redundant can be a troubling time for anyone, and it is normal to feel the disillusion and stress that often come with it. You can however, take charge of your life through some simple steps that will help you get back onto the working ladder or even guide you in a completely new direction that will ultimately lead to a happier, and more fulfilled life.
Don’t panic – when made redundant, it can be easy to become disillusioned and confused with what your supposed to do next. Give yourself some time so that you can digest the situation, it is something you can’t control and having a clearer head will only help you in your next step in life.
Explore your options – Take some time to think about the options in front of you. See your redundnacy as a chance to persue new careers, or even start your own business. Discuss with your family or friends what is best for you, and what should be your next step. Redundancy gives you the opportunity to pursue whatever career options you like, and it should be viewed as opening many more doors than it closes.
Stick to a routine – Finding a new job may take time, ranging from a few days to a few months. In the meantime, stick to a rountine to keep you motivated and proactive, you don’t want to be in a position where you have lost your motivation. Your routine doesn’t need to just consist of job searching, spending all day, every day searching for jobs will be emotionally and physically draining. Use a routine to organise yourself, setting aside time to both relax and plan your next step.
Use your network – Networking can be a very useful way to expand your jobsearch, whether it be looking for opportunities similar to your last job or for exploring new opportunities available to you. You might find it awkward or hate asking for help, but the people you talk to can inform you of job opportunities, give advice, or outline the corperate culture of an organisation to give you an edge in an interview. There is no stigma that comes with being made redundant, others have been in your position and will be more than willing to help you.
Facing redundancy can be difficult, but its worth remembering that nearly everyone knows of someone who has experienced it before. Keeping a positive outlook is key, with your redundancy will come a host of new opportunities and ventures for you to explore.

Ian Kirk
Founder at Opportunity Marketing
Ian is the founder of Opportunity Marketing marketing, with over 18 years of experience in successfully setting up marketing departments, creating marketing strategies and implementing these strategies across a wide number of SME companies in both the B2B and B2C sectors through a variety of channels.