Marketing Tips

The Marketing Insanity Test

Marketing Insanity…..

Clearly in marketing, if something is not working, then you need to change it in some way. However, if something is really working positively for you and getting a return on investment, you would think that a company would want to ramp up this activity, or at the very least keep momentum building so a steady pipeline of potential prospects and orders are building. Wouldn’t it be insanity if something that was working for you, was just stopped? That you just turned the tap off?

The Realisation…..

You would instinctively think that if they had invested in something in the past, but they no longer did, it was because it didn’t work for them. However, so often we get the response “Yes, it worked really well” or “we picked up some major clients” or “it got a great return on investment”. So we simply ask “so why did you stop doing it?”

Cue the blank face. The light bulb moment. The sound of pennies dropping!

You see, quite often activity is habitual, and if, for whatever reason, you got out of the habit of doing it (typically got too busy, lack of resource, “the person who used to do that left”), it is very easy to forget that it actually used to work well for you. It was never deliberately or consciously axed, it just slipped away quietly without anyone noticing.

Take the Test!

So, how can you test whether the you have been insane with your marketing? Take 10 minutes out of your day and write a list of all the marketing activities your business has undertaken over the last 5 years – it could be very general activity of specific campaigns that spring to mind. Then next to each one, write down (YES/NO) whether you feel it was worthwhile or not (in terms of tangible results and not just “brand building”). Circle those that you feel worked best for you. Then next to that write down a tick for those you still do and a cross for those you are not actively doing, along with the reason why you stopped doing them.

If you have any on your list that are circled and you have no good reason for not starting them again, then simple start re-introducing that activity back into your marketing activity plan and see the enquiry rate start to grow again. Apologies if this sounds a little simple, but marketing is a really simple discipline which is often overcomplicated. The good news is that there is a cure to marketing insanity!

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Ian Kirk

Founder at Opportunity Marketing

Ian is the founder of Opportunity Marketing marketing, with over 18 years of experience in successfully setting up marketing departments, creating marketing strategies and implementing these strategies across a wide number of SME companies in both the B2B and B2C sectors through a variety of channels.

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