Does Your Business Need a Marketing Healthcheck?

It almost goes without saying, but not all marketing activities and campaigns are the same. It can be difficult to tell whether you’re getting the most from your brand’s marketing department or if all that revenue is simply being shovelled into a bottomless pit.
You can’t improve upon your current marketing activities if you don’t know whether or not they’re worthwhile, but how can you gauge the performance of your brand’s marketing efforts in the first place?
Take a look at these three key areas that inform just how effective your marketing actually is…
Everyone wants value for money, regardless of the service they’re paying for. Marketing is no different – you may well be getting the results you’re after, but at what price?
You could well be paying over the odds for a level of service you could get for cheaper elsewhere. It’s very difficult to determine whether or not you’re enjoying a cost-effective marketing service without considerable market experience.
If you want to find out if you’re getting the most bang for your marketing bucks, it might be a good idea to ask for a professional opinion…
There are far more outlets available for marketers today than there were even a few years ago, what with the emergence of social media marketing, video sharing websites and countless other new technologies.
Your marketing efforts should encompass all the areas most conducive to improving brand awareness amongst your potential customers, be they print, digital, direct or anything else that deserves your marketing attention.
Are your marketing activities as far reaching as they need to be? Do you even know how to find out whether or not that’s the case?
Perhaps the greatest arbiter of marketing effectiveness is the success of those activities themselves, but of course success is relative.
Maybe you’re happy with the amount of trade and brand awareness generated by your current marketing efforts, but could you do better?
Are you really reaching as many people as possible, as effectively as possible? There’s always room to improve in marketing, so there’s absolutely no reason why your brand ought to stand still now.
Gauging the effectiveness of your brand’s own marketing efforts is no mean feat, as few SME owners have the relative perspective to see their company through unbiased eyes.

Ian Kirk
Founder at Opportunity Marketing
Ian is the founder of Opportunity Marketing marketing, with over 18 years of experience in successfully setting up marketing departments, creating marketing strategies and implementing these strategies across a wide number of SME companies in both the B2B and B2C sectors through a variety of channels.