How To:, Marketing Techniques

Marketing Techniques: How to Stick in the Brain!

When you think of marketing techniques for your business, if you drill all the way down, all you are really looking for is more people to buy your stuff, or the same number of people to buy more of it (or both).  So how can you make that happen? What marketing techniques can you use?

Think of our consciousness as an awareness which has to have been stimulated by the brain at some level.  So, consider the brain to be a giant room which has multiple entries and exits.  As something enters our consciousness (in marketing terms this could be a message, a logo, an advert, a recommendation) it enters the room.    However, if there is nothing in the room to keep it interested, it may hastily exit, or hang around for a short while before leaving by a different door.

Similarly, if the room is already full, it may actually avoid entering in the first place.  The doors are also likely to be revolving doors as there are so many things that stimulate our consciousness on an hourly basis.

Firstly, it is not an easy question to answer.  If the answer was obvious, we would all be marketing geniuses and selling as much stuff as we wanted, to as many people as we desired.

This article however attempts to delve into the mechanics of the brain to provide you with 5 key marketing techniques so you can improve your stickiness.

Number 1 – Relevance

Online Shopping with Futuristic Virtual Reality Web Browsing

Number 2 – Difference

Number 3 – Familiarity

Number 4 – Simplicity

There is beauty in simplicity – handwriting on a napkin with a fresh apple

And finally…

Number 5 – Powerful

Powerful man meditating in peaceful area

Think about the last really good film you watched.  The chances are you loved it so much because something within it was powerful, it stimulated something within – whether it was edge of the seat excitement, a really emotional true story, a side splittingly funny film or an uplifting theme.  It was its power that moved you in some way.  Power is equivalent to impact.  If your marketing message can create an impact then they are likely to be invited into the room.  Power is really a combination of three of the other elements – relevance, difference and simplicity.  Power could be conveyed by a word, a graphic, or a 10 second video.  Again, what will get you into one person’s room may not even get you into another’s neighbourhood – so you need to ensure you are targeting correctly.

In summary

So, there you have it, 5 marketing techniques in which to ensure that your marketing sticks in the brain of your desired audience.  If you are “in the room”, when the realisation of the need is there, then you have a strong chance of converting them into a client.

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Ian Kirk

Founder at Opportunity Marketing

Ian is the founder of Opportunity Marketing marketing, with over 18 years of experience in successfully setting up marketing departments, creating marketing strategies and implementing these strategies across a wide number of SME companies in both the B2B and B2C sectors through a variety of channels.

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