30 November 2023
Sme Marketing – What Are Your Options?
Why is SME marketing so important? Well, SMEs are the lifeblood of the British economy. Without the entrepreneurial spirit of those starting their own business and inwardly investing in growth, the country would be in a bit of a mess. With this mind, marketing of SMEs to help support and fuel this growth is critical.…

20 January 2023
How Important is Your Brand Identity?
You’ve probably heard phrases like brand, branding and brand identity being bandied around, but what do they all mean and are they actually that important? In the simplest terms, your brand (or branding) is what differentiates you from your competitors and helps customers form perceptions of your company. It’s your purpose, positioning and personality. It’s how you look…

2 December 2020
Why Marketing Campaigns and Strategies Are Different Yet Essential for Business Growth
It would be stating the obvious, during our current times, that finding ways to grow a business is a challenge. With restrictions and guidelines constantly changing, is there any point in businesses even trying to plan for the future? As 2021 beckons, taking time to craft an approach that combines both a marketing strategy and supporting marketing…

11 November 2020
Marketing Techniques: How to Create a Knock-out 60 Second Elevator Pitch
We like to help businesses with a whole range of different marketing techniques. This article takes a close look at one of the oldest marketing techniques in history, and one which is never going to become outdated. Yes, your elevator pitch may change over time, but you are always going to meet people who ask…

4 March 2020
Customer Segmentation: The Gold is in the Data
The phrase Customer segmentation gets “banded around” a lot. But do companies actually carry it out in reality, and if so, what are the benefits of adopting the practice? This article will cover the basics of customer segmentation for SME businesses, including: What is Customer Segmentation? Put simply, it is the process of dividing a…

7 November 2019
Why Personas Are So Important to Customer Centric Marketing
Customer centric marketing is pivotal when creating a successful sales and marketing strategy. When it comes to growing your business and improving your bottom line, nothing is more important than knowing what makes your customers and prospects tick. Whatever industry or sector you operate in, understanding and creating semi-fictional characters (more commonly known as personas) that personify…